10 Absurd Metal Bands That Will Challenge Your Perception of Music

Today, we will be exploring 10 absurd metal bands that you need to know, as recommended by Professor B. Miller of Satanic Puppeteer Orchestra, a San Diego-based experimental and artistic metal band known for their use of robotic vocals. With their ninth studio album, "Face Their Fears," Professor B. Miller and his band hop around various metal subgenres, including 90s heavy and thrash metal, all while incorporating their signature robotic vocals. As someone who is well-versed in the world of absurd metal, Professor B. Miller has compiled a list of bands that are just as offbeat and eccentric as Satanic Puppeteer Orchestra, so buckle up and prepare to discover some truly unique and bizarre metal bands in his words.
10 - Gwar
There really couldn't be an absurd metal band list without Gwar. Extreme, cartoonish violence, interplanetary backstories, over-the-top costumes, and notorious live shows that leave the audience covered in all manners of fluids. I should know, I've seen them a few times. Those aren't stains that come out.
Gwar - Immortal Corrupter (HD)
9 - Hevisaurus
While most metal acts aren't suitable for children, Finnish metal band Hevisaurus set out to provide some metal tunes your kids can listen to. Oh ya, and they all dress up like dinosaurs. For real. I wish we had a generation of kids raised on this absurdity rather than Barney. Can you imagine!?
Hevisaurus - Ugala Bugala
8 - Nekrogoblikon
They call themselves the Kings of Goblin Metal. I'm already sold. But do they write songs about goblins? Yes. They even have a hype-goblin named John Goblikon on stage and in their videos. What more has to be said to sell this band? Not much.
Nekrogoblikon - Bones [OFFICIAL VIDEO]
7 - Hatebeak
When you think of birds, their various beautiful songs quickly come to mind. What if you were to take one of those birds, an African gray parrot named Waldo, for example... and back up his squawking with death metal? I present to you... Hatebeak.
Hatebeak - Bird Seeds of Vengeance
6 - Caninus
If you were to start going through the Hatebeak catalog, as one would, you'd come across a split release with a band called Caninus. What kind of band would fit on an album with a parrot signing death metal? How about a band with two pitbull terriers (Bugie and Basil) barking over gridcore. The band members were also animal rights activists, and even put out a split with Cattle Decapitation. Epic!
Caninus "Bite the Hand That Breeds You"
5 - Alestorm
Founded in 2004, Alestorm adopted a pirate theme and ran with it. Incorporating elements of sea chanties and power with folk metal, the Napalm Records band has released seven studio albums. Is it over the top? Obviously. But it such a wonderful pairing of genres sometimes you forget how absurd it actually is.
ALESTORM - Drink (Official Video) | Napalm Records
4 - Babymetal
When you think of heavy metal, you don't typically think of descriptors like "cute" or "lovable," but with the bizarre pairing of J-pop melodies and kawaii themes on top of death metal riffs, the band Babymetal has captured the imaginations and attention of millions of listeners. When those vocals kick in, the juxtaposition is nothing short of whiplash, but in the best possible way.
BABYMETAL - ギミチョコ!!- Gimme chocolate!! (OFFICIAL)
3 - The Metal Shakespeare Company
Friends, Romans, metalheads, lend me your ears. Portland, Oregon band The Metal Shakespeare Company combined heavy metal with the works of William Shakespeare. Expectation may be the root of all heartache, but in this case, they deliver on the promise of their name. Bardcore, indeed.
The Metal Shakespeare Company: "To Bleed or Not to Bleed" (Hamlet III.i with V.i)
2 - Okilly Dokilly
The Simpsons is a highly influential cartoon whose legacy can be found just about everywhere. Including heavy metal. Meet Okilly Dokilly, a band from Phoenix, Arizona that dresses up as Ned Flanders and write "Nedal" songs around his quotes from the show.
Okilly Dokilly - White Wine Spritzer (Official Video)
1 - Mac Sabbath
Mac Sabbath is an LA-based Black Sabbath parody band comprised of warped McDonaldland characters singing about the evils of fast food. Their "Iron Man" parody... "Frying Pan," blew up and they've been on the road with their bizarre stage show ever since.
Mac Sabbath "Pair-a-Buns" (Official Video)
11 - Spinal Tap
There could only be one band to make it to #11 on a list of 10 bands, and that's Spinal Tap. Their album Intravenous de Milo is a classic, and Shark Sandwich isn't as bad as critics would have you believe. If they could have kept a drummer for any length of time, it's hard to imagine where they'd be now.
Spinal Tap - Hell Hole
In conclusion, the world of metal music is full of bands that are pushing the boundaries and challenging our perception of what music can be. From robotic vocals to unconventional genre-blending, these 10 absurd metal bands are sure to surprise and delight fans of experimental and artistic metal. I'd like to thank Professor B. Miller for sharing these amazing bands with me and for providing insight into the world of absurd metal. If you're looking for something different and unexpected, be sure to check out our new Spotify playlist, "The Metal Mind Bender," featuring songs from all of the bands in this article. And while you're at it, don't forget to check out the music video for "Smartest Way to Fill Your Moat" by Satanic Puppeteer Orchestra – I guarantee it will be an experience you won't soon forget. Thanks for reading.
Satanic Puppeteer Orchestra "Smartest Way to Fill Your Moat"

Listen to Metalhead Community's The Metal Mind Bender playlist on Spotify