Satanic Puppeteer Orchestra - Face Their Fears - Album Review - '90s Heavy Metal with Robot Vocals from San Diego, California, USA

Satanic Puppeteer Orchestra - Face Their Fears - Album Review - '90s Heavy Metal with Robot Vocals from San Diego, California, USA

Today I am writing about an interesting '90s heavy metal band; Satanic Puppeteer Orchestra, from San Diego, California, USA with; Face Their Fears, their ninth studio album, released in 2022.

"Smartest Way to Fill Your Moat"

Robotic voice and heavy metal. Do they really mean something special when they come together? Even if they do, then would this album be a good example to understand the real potential? I spent my last days looking for some answers, and one thing's for sure I know I won't be forgetting about Satanic Puppeteer Orchestra anytime soon only because they are the first band with a such music style that I know.

It was the Face The Fears album that introduced me to this project for the first time, about two weeks ago. The musical side of the project has so much in common with my generation who grew up in the 90s. It's always a great pleasure hearing '90s heavy and thrash metal influences from Metallica, Pantera, and Iron Maiden are being performed with the right attitude in that old-school metal guitar sound similar to theirs. The album blends these influences in a familiar and old-school way, only, accompanied by a digital robotic voice as vocals.

The technical side of the work objectively has satisfying standards. Guitars stand out as the main foundation of their music, songs are usually following a progressive path.

Lastly, the idea behind the project has got potential because it immediately stays with the listener after you hear about them once. Comic visuals, heavy metal, and robotic vocals, can't get any more recognizable than that.

On the other side of the coin, I have to admit that I will be listening to this music again only when I play it for someone. Although I respect the intelligence behind the idea, the Face Their Fears album has failed to impress me for a few reasons I'll try to explain below.

First of all, the album musically doesn't have enough vision, character, and quality in order to make an impression on the listener. I'm afraid I found the performances sloppy and guitar playing quite average, not to mention software drums and bass guitars.

Secondly, the album production has home laptop recording standards, sounded more like a hobby to me rather than anything professional.

Lastly, I feel like the execution of the idea was intentionally poorly done as Satanic Puppeteer Orchestra wasn't anything serious from the beginning.

When I put all these into account, I'd like to say that it was a pleasure discovering Satanic Puppeteer Orchestra. 90s heavy and thrash metal comes to life in a familiar way, but this time with robotic vocals.  Thanks for reading.

Satanic Puppeteer Orchestra on the WEB

Official Website

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