Hereafter - This Life is a Beautiful War - Album Review - Instrumental Ambient Post-Rock from Lehigh Valley, Pennsylvania, USA

Today I am writing about a promising instrumental ambient post-rock project; Hereafter, from Lehigh Valley, Pennsylvania, with, This Life is a Beautiful War, his latest studio album.
Hereafter - This Life is a Beautiful War [Album] (2022)
Genre: Post-Rock, Progressive Rock, Instrumental Artist: Hereafter Album: This Life is a Beautiful War (June 24, 2022) Country: Moore Township, Pennsylvania, USA
This Life is a Beautiful War is a thematic album with a strong concept of long melodic and atmospheric elements in a movie soundtrack form, musically blending progressive and post-rock influences with modern production. I remember Hereafter, the project of the multi-instrumentalist, composer, and producer Rob Evraets Jr., and published my, In the End, We’ll All Become Stories album review here on Metalhead Community about a year ago.
First and foremost, Hereafter's work deserves all the respect in the world for its general approach, this project has always given me the same feeling that this is something Rob Evraets Jr. does for his soul.
Secondly, the This Life is a Beautiful War album is a long musical journey that I prefer listening to while driving long distances alone. Technically, the album has a modern sound, using modern production techniques and ideas. The sound design reminded me of well-respected guitar players such as Marco Sfogli and Andy James, also Steven Wilson projects; Porcupine Tree and Blackfield. Hereafter, in this way, has a safe zone in terms of sound design and production, and will easily get accepted by the post-rock community.
The production also has established industry standards even though all music was written, performed, recorded, mixed, and produced by one person, Rob Evraets Jr. This Life is a Beautiful War album is Hereafter's third studio release since 2020, his work will be soon known by his specific taste and incredible discography in the ambient post-rock music genre, leaving aside the fact that everything was done by one music enthusiast.

Hereafter, Rob Evraets Jr. artist photo Credit: Unknown
On the other side of the coin, I have to admit that This Life is a Beautiful War is not an easy listening album even though the songs have easy listening approach. After some time you can't help yourself feeling like listening to the same narrow circle of music in different shapes and forms, but always pointing the same specific spot.
Secondly, the sound design is the only place needs improving in order to become recognizable, expected to show more personality from now on.

Hereafter, Rob Evraets Jr. artist photo Credit: Unknown
When I put all these into account, I'd like to say that I had a good time listening to This Life is a Beautiful War by Hereafter. A powerful conceptual album with a post-rock focus at its finest, modern sound, established production, written, performed, mixed, and produced by one man; Rob Evraets Jr. Thanks for reading.

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