Written On Her Face - Is Your Heart Okay - Song Review - Singer-Songwriter from Leeds, England

Today I am writing about a promising alternative singer-songwriter; Written On Her Face, from Leeds, England with; Is Your Heart Okay, one of her singles released in 2022.
Written On Her Face - Is Your Heart Okay
Is Your Heart Okay is a successful singer-songwriter song, and I suppose it belongs to someone who used to sing while playing the piano with so much character in her voice, Suzannah Valentino. The structure was built on top of the vocal lines, accompanied by a reverby and super moody acoustic grand piano. Although it doesn't have much in common with what I prefer to listen to when it comes to acoustic and moody music, still deserves appreciation for its promising outcome.
The song musically has a minimalist approach, keeping everything as simple as possible while highlighting the vocals, and sometimes that's all you need once you get a great vocalist. The idea was a promising one from the beginning because in this case it is all up to the vocal performance. I think she has done a great job in this song, showing potential.
Also, the work also deserves credit for its stylish sound design and production. Written On Her Face apparently worked on their own sound, and put together a dreamy music style with stylish sound that consists both vintage and modern qualities. I personally enjoyed their work and vision, also curious to see how they improve their foundation in the future.

Written On Her Face, artist photoCredit: Unknown
On the other side of the coin, I also have to admit a few things which didn't really resonate with my personal preferences. First of all, I am afraid the song sounded overly processed to me and I'd prefer it much more natural sounding. I think Suzannah Valentino has the potential to do much better than this, which at the same time, doesn't mean that her performance in this song was poor.
Lastly, one of the things that confused me was the piano, and still not sure if it was a professionally recorded acoustic grand piano or an electronic keyboard imitation of it. Getting confused about such delicate matter about a song is truly awful. So, I also believe that Written On Her Face has so much room to improve on their sound design and production as well.

Written On Her Face, artist photoCredit: Written On Her Face on Instagram
When I put all these into account, I'd like to say that I had a good time listening to Is Your Heart Okay, even though I don't necessarily listen to love songs. The dreamy atmosphere and melodic female vocals, accompanied by a grand piano, bring to mind the styles of Lana Del Rey, Tori Amos, and Amy Lee. Thanks for reading.

Written On Her Face on the Web

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