Trauma Cat - Tsai Shen - Song Review - 90s Alternative Rock from Syracuse, New York, USA

Today I am writing about a promising art/alternative rock band; Trauma Cat, from Syracuse, New York with; Tsai Shen, one of their singles released in 2022.
Tsai Shen (Official Music Video)
A Fantasma House ProductionDirected, shot, and edited by Peter Hartsock Produced by Gabriel Acosta Starring Trauma Cat as themselves
Depending on my experience in the music industry for the last ten years, I think discovering a new band has never been an easy transition for rock and metal fans in our competitive era. Sometimes I find myself diving into many details to find some answers, and sometimes in simplicity, you find all your expectations met just like in this example.
Trauma Cat's Tsai Shen deserves appreciation for its simple beauty, but in detail, it is a series of decisions with a convincing amount of depth, intelligence, vision, and quality for me to consider as one of the best. Musically, the song blends the intelligence of Radiohead with the simplicity of Red Hot Chili Peppers and melodic side of early Coldplay influences in its foundation, establishes itself on a vintage sound, and immediately takes you back to the 90s with its nostalgic vibe.
The production side of things also follows the same traditional but visionary work, keeping everything simple while offering the quality this song needed to show its true potential.

Trauma Cat, performing on stageCredit: Unknown
On the other side of the coin, there's not much I can suggest on improving if I need to be honest. Trauma Cat has a concept that makes sense with everything about their branding to me, and their work doesn't have any weaknesses.

Trauma Cat, band photoCredit: Unknown
When I put all these into account, I'd like to say that I had a good time listening to Tsai Shen. 90s alternative rock sound with the intelligence of Radiohead, simplicity of Red Hot Chili Peppers, and melodic side of early Coldplay. Thanks for reading.

Trauma Cat on the Web
90s Alternative Rock from Syracuse, New York, USA - metal blogs and webzines online - top swiss metal blogs online - Music Journalists in Switzerland - alternative rock bands from New York

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