The Color of Cyan - Agape - Album Review - Ambient Rock from Chicago, Illinois, USA

Today we are featuring a promising ambient rock band, The Color of Cyan, from Chicago, Illinois, USA, with, “Agape”, their debut studio album. The American band started their careers with a single called Luz in 2021, and Agape is their second official release so far, released on Dec 01, 2021.
The Color of Cyan still can be considered as a new band with only two years of active period in their careers. But the significant thing about them would be that they deserve all the respect with their solid vision, powerful theme, world-class production, and professional branding.
Their debut album, which is also their latest release Agape is an instrumental ambient/post-rock album with additionally progressive rock influences and a huge soundtrack potential. First of all, the album has the necessary technical standards in its recording and mix, immediately makes an impact on the listener with its solid sound. I can also hear the effort in terms of developing their own sound and agreeing with all their decisions so far. The Color of Cyan is simply on the right way of becoming recognizable with it.
Agape music video, on the other hand, also deserves credit for its impressive production and filming. This is one of the best-looking music videos I have seen for a while now, especially from a new and independent band.
Musically, I hear some of my personal favorite bands in Agape's origins such as Anathema, and two Steven Wilson projects Blackfield and Porcupine Tree. In terms of compositions, Agape has similarities with Pink Floyd's early golden releases. Every song tells us different stories with the same irresistible dramatic energy within. Apparently, The Color of Cyan focuses mainly on the overall vibe of the album rather than giving us more of their progressive rock side, which makes them even more interesting. As I have mentioned earlier, Agape can be a goldmine for those who are looking for dreamy-sounding dramatic music for their movies.

On the other hand, I must also admit that Agape album was one of the most challenging albums to listen to from start to finish. First of all, I musically couldn't hear enough fresh sounding and impressive ideas, I rather felt like listening to beautiful ambient music playing randomly in one playlist. It plays flawlessly and immediately channels the mood through you, and could be much more powerful if played while driving on a long journey.
Lastly, I'm afraid the story on the music video was too depressive and slow for me to follow until the end, even though it was filmed and produced professionally.

When I take all these into account, I'd like to say that I've had a great time listening to The Color of Cyan. Their album Agape is recommended for those who are into ambient music with progressive and post rock influences in its foundation.
Please go ahead and check out the links below if you'd like to find out more about the artist/band, follow them on social media, subscribe to their channels to show your support, and not miss any upcoming releases.
Metalhead Community Team congratulates The Color of Cyan for their new album "Agape", and wishes them the very best in their future careers. Thank you for reading.

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