Cinematonic - No Hay Cadáveres Exquisitos (feat. Reis) - Song Review - Progressive Rock from Mexico City, Mexico

Today, I delve into the world of an established yet mysterious collective, a progressive rock band, Cinematonic, hailing from Mexico City, Mexico. Their latest single, “No Hay Cadáveres Exquisitos,” was released on May 26th, 2023, which can be the beginning of something spectacular.
Cinematonic, No Hay Cadáveres Exquisitos (feat. Reis) (Official Video)
Dirección y música: Harry Febres & Christian NavarroParticipación especial: Jean De Oliveira "Reis"Voz y guitarras: Harry FebresGuitarras: Christian NavarroBajo: Nelson GonzálezBatería: Pedro SalinasMezcla y máster: Moises D´ BelloIngeniero de grabación: Arturo BanusDrum Tech: Abelardo Bolaño
Cinematonic is one of the most promising bands I have encountered from Mexico. Their latest single, 'No Hay Cadáveres Exquisitos,' only took me a few seconds to recognize their true potential. They distinguish themselves from their contemporaries with the sophistication and compactness of their musical concept, while also displaying innovation, technical prowess, talent, skill, and artistry simultaneously. Let's delve into the details.
First and foremost, 'No Hay Cadáveres Exquisitos' stands out for its innovative approach to traditional prog rock, incorporating elements of jazz, art, technical, math, and modern rock influences. This elevates the song to a level that sounds fresh, enjoyable, melodic, and moody. They exhibit significant potential with the authenticity evident in their work from start to finish.
While there were many aspects of 'No Hay Cadáveres Exquisitos' that I loved, the song left a lasting impression on me due to its exotic musical climate that contains vibes from their geography. The instrumentation throughout the journey combines elements of math and jazz rock, not sticking to any single idea for too long while maintaining a cohesive concept with the help of the vocals. The vocalist deserves significant credit for the final result, as he adds the true color to the picture, establishing Cinematonic as a special band. Although the vocalist stays within a relatively secure zone in his singing range without pushing the limits too much, he immediately makes an impact on the listener with his contribution to the overall atmosphere, as I mentioned earlier. His impressive characterization is masterfully crafted and suits him perfectly.
Lastly, the producer has also done an incredible job of breathing life into this song, making Cinematonic shine even brighter with precision, artistic vision, and a refined taste. 'No Hay Cadáveres Exquisitos' undeniably sets itself apart with the quality of its recording and production, where everything sounds as authentic as possible. I particularly appreciated the compactness of their sound character, providing a solid foundation for Cinematonic to build upon and reach new heights.

Cinematonic, band artPhoto credit: Unknown
On the other side of the coin, this time, I don't have anything to mention at all. The work is flawless from top to bottom, everything has been precisely crafted by an advanced team of talented individuals. It's simply outstanding.

Cinematonic, No Hay Cadáveres Exquisitos (feat. Reis) single front cover artworkArt credit: Unknown
In summary, I am delighted by my discovery of Cinematonic. A hot-prospect from Mexico City with a prog-rock focus and world-class production, incorporating jazz, math, and prog-rock influences with unmistakable characterization, compactness, and talent. Thank you for reading.released May 26, 2023Dirección y música: Harry Febres & Christian NavarroParticipación especial: Jean De Oliveira "Reis"Voz y guitarras: Harry FebresGuitarras: Christian NavarroBajo: Nelson GonzálezBatería: Pedro SalinasMezcla y máster: Moises D´ BelloIngeniero de grabación: Arturo BanusDrum Tech: Abelardo Bolaño
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