Ashes Reign - Mountain's Echoes - Song Review - Melodic Metal from Richmond, Virginia, USA

Today I am writing about a promising traditional heavy/melodic metalcore band, Ashes Reign, from Richmond, Virginia, USA, with, Mountain's Echoes, the album opener from their debut studio EP with the same title.
Ashes Reign - Mountain's Echoes
Vocals/Bass/Guitar Production - Vinny Carrion/Ryan Neurauter Drum Production and Mixing - Dan Uphoff At Full Circle Recording Mastering - Jamie King At The Basement Studio
Ashes Reign is an experienced collective where they bring influences from the 90s, melodic, heavy, and modern metalcore. The special thing about Mountain's Echoes is that it has both influences from the 90s heavy metal and modern melodic metalcore, one of the very few songs in this specific genre that I truly enjoyed listening to.
The melodic metalcore/deathcore music have never been my favorite, which can make me sound a bit old-fashioned. Ashes Reign's Mountain's Echoes convinced me with its well-leveled and polished sound that I liked at first, then with the band personality, energy level, and musicality. The song sounds bulletproof regardless of listening to it at the maximum volume or the lowest, earned my appreciation for keeping it on a tasty balance.
The characteristics I mentioned above separated Ashes Reign from other melodic metalcore examples out there, where the vocalist Vinny Carrion has a crucial part in it. He can sing proper old-school metal as well as the modern, and has the necessary voice, energy, attitude, personality, and talent for the job.
The musicality has similarities with well-known acts such as Trivium, but sounds great enough to give you the metal chills and make you wanna break stuff even though doesn't the composition never surprise the listener. They are talented enough to make it to the next level in their musical careers, and their debut EP, Mountain's Echoes is the proof of it.

Ashes Reign vocalist Vinny CarrionCredit: Unknown
On the other side of the coin, I feel like Mountain's Echoes sits on a sensitive balance where they might easily move to both sides in terms of musical freshness. They have the complexity of Trivium or Exodus in their compositions, and musically follow a traditional path. If I need to be brutally honest, I personally wasn't impressed by the artistic value, vision, topics, and visual side of things, hoping that not to see them musically evolving into Trivium direction cause that's street is a dead end.

Ashes Reign, band photoCredit: Unknown
When I put all these into account, I'd like to say that I had a great time listening to Mountain's Echoes. 90s heavy metal meets modern melodic metalcore at its best by an experienced collective with the proper metal sound. Thanks for reading.


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