Uthogst - Stormen - Song Review - Alternative Metal from Bergen, Norway

Uthogst - Stormen - Song Review - Alternative Metal from Bergen, Norway
Uthogst - Stormen - Song Review - Alternative Metal from Bergen, Norway

Today, we turn our attention to Uthogst, a promising alternative/sludge metal band/project hailing from Bergen, Norway. In this review, we delve into the depths of their monstrous composition, "Stormen," exploring its character, style, story, potential, and more.

Uthogst is a band that came to my attention approximately two months ago with their phenomenal song, "Stormen," taken from their debut album, "Skogul," released as a single in 2020. I must say, Uthogst stands out as one of the best emerging metal bands of 2020 in my book. I wholeheartedly urge you to listen to their music as I delve into the captivating details of "Stormen" below.

As someone who immerses myself in a vast array of new music each day, I encounter songs that possess great musicality, advanced musicianship, stellar recordings, expert mixing, unique styles, and countless other qualities. However, it is rare to encounter a song that evokes such intense excitement. Credit must be given to both the band and their producer. I vividly remember being captivated by the overall feeling of "Stormen" within the first minute of the track, leading me to feature Uthogst on Metalhead Community. The band showcases immense potential through their profound understanding of music. Their approach, especially on this song, is truly commendable. The instrumentation is exceptional—nothing is simplistic or mundane. These Norwegian musicians not only exhibit their advanced musicianship through their tight instrumentation but also through the thoughtful decisions made when structuring the song. As mentioned earlier, the unconventional structure keeps the listener engaged until the very end. In essence, "Stormen" embodies a multitude of greatness, comparable to the exhilaration of watching the TV series "Chernobyl" from start to finish.

From a technical standpoint, "Stormen" upholds top-class standards in every aspect. Uthogst has masterfully crafted a melodic, rich, and progressive sound reminiscent of Meshuggah, yet they maintain an originality that distinguishes them from any other band. The song boasts numerous creative ideas that further enhance its richness. I would like to extend my congratulations to the producer, whose exceptional work has elevated the song to the next level. The producer clearly understood the band's potential, desires, and overall style, resulting in an immensely satisfying outcome. I applaud the band, their families, and friends for their unwavering support, as well as the producer, studio manager, sound engineer, studio assistants, coffee maker, pizza delivery person, and every individual involved in the creation of this exceptional work.

Taking all these factors into account, my experience listening to Uthogst has been nothing short of remarkable. I am incredibly optimistic about their future trajectory. With their unique Uthogst characteristics firmly in mind, I hope they continue to release music that showcases their immense potential. They possess the ability to become an invincible force in the industry, and their success is well-deserved.

In conclusion, the Metalhead Community Team extends heartfelt congratulations to Uthogst for their top-class work on "Stormen" and wishes them the very best in their future endeavors. Thank you for reading.



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