Thus Far - Silver Cord - Song Review - Progressive Metal from Los Angeles, California, USA

Today we are featuring a promising progressive/math rock band, Thus Far, from Los Angeles, California, USA. I have reviewed one of their new songs, Silver Cord, along with its character, style, story, potential, and more.
Thus Far - Silver Cord
Thus Far is a young talented rock band, making official releases since 2020. Their latest release, Silver Cord, is currently the most popular release they have on their Spotify page, and I wanted to give this band the credit they deserve.
First of all, Silver Cord is an exciting song, stands out with its richness and dynamics above everything else. It's unbelievable when you think about how many pieces came together to create this magnificent piece of art.
Apparently, Thus Far is mainly influenced by modern math-rock progressive rock bands, showing the identity of these specific genres in their technicality and musicality together. As I said earlier, the composition here is quite complex, has no breathing space all along the way, feels endless even though the song is only 3:55. The energy level is also powerful, penetrating every single layer possible while listening.
The band shows potential also with their instrumentation and ideas. Very complex music to compose and perform. They have got layers of instruments, vocal lines, and additional instruments. I am not a math-rock person myself, yet I enjoy listening to their special pieces. In this case, Silver Cord is a powerful dynamo, a successful example of it.

The technical side of the work is not that bright I'm afraid, even though the song sounds perfectly fine. I have to admit that I couldn't hear enough personality in their sound in general. The song sounds exactly like other math rock bands in the genre a lot, it is impossible to separate them from those bands with this commercial sound.
When I take all these into account, I'd like to say that I've had a good time listening to Thus Far. They are still at the beginning of their careers and I see nothing but a bright view of them in the future.
Please go ahead and check out the links below if you'd like to find out more about the artist/band, follow them on social media, subscribe to their channels to show your support, and not miss any upcoming releases.

In conclusion, Metalhead Community Team congratulates Thus Far for their promising job in, Silver Cord, and wishes them the very best in their future careers. Thank you for reading.

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