Seven - Contact - Song Review - 2000s Alternative Djent Metal from Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Today I am writing about a promising 2000s alternative djent metal project; Seven, from Las Vegas, Nevada, USA with; Contact, one of the singles they released in 2022.
Seven, Contact (Visualizer Music Video)
According to Wikipedia, Djent metal started in the mid-90s in Sweden and the United Kingdom, and it wasn't surprising to see Fredrik Thordendal, lead guitarist of the Swedish band Meshuggah, is considered the originator of the djent technique. The music project Seven is definitely a special name that caught my attention with his respective discography of six long-play studio albums, formed in 2001 by VII.
The understanding of djent metal has involved into a simpler shape through the years, achieving commercial success with its most basic and repetitive form nowadays. Listening to Contact took me more than a few days to properly digest and understand, and I wasn't sure if depends on my mood, the song, or both. In the end, I came to the conclusion that this song doesn't belong to today's djent world that we are familiar with, but more like a blend with the 2000s alternative metal in a cinematic form. I couldn't resist thinking of bands such as Staind, Deftones, and Korn from that era while listening instead of Meshuggah, especially when the song resolves to the chorus section, its peak point. In this way, Contact belongs to both worlds at the same time while maintaining a distinguishing character in its foundation, admirable job.

Seven, Contact, song art
Objectively, this is a successful work without any weaknesses. However, I also have to admit that the song still sounded to me a bit too home studio recording and overly processed to me, even though I appreciated most of the decisions taken in the making of Contact.

Seven, band art
When I put all these into account, I'd like to say that I had a great time listening to Contact. An established blend of djent metal with the 2000s alternative metal, accompanied by dark vibes, cinematic influences, and modern sound production. Thanks for reading.

SEVEN on the WEB
Official Website

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