No Terror in the Bang - Another Kind of Violence - Song Review - Cinematic Metal from Rouen, France

No Terror in the Bang is a fairly new cinematic metal band from Rouen, France. The band was founded just a couple years ago. Their name might sound familiar to fans of classic cinema as it directly references late great Alfred Hitchcock’s famous line “There is no terror in the bang, only in the anticipation of it”, which is a great way to put the band’s music in words - it’s suspenseful, tense and cinematic.
Listening to their song Another Kind of Violence, there are four things that stand out immediately. It’s production, drums, vocals and the beautiful contrast that is created by using dirtier, heavier parts followed by suspenseful clean sections, which is all credited to band’s founding members Alexis Damien (Composition, drums, production) & Sofia Bortoluzzi (Vocals, composition, lyrics).
Let’s focus on that arrangement and production first. I feel like the band refers to those tension building piano driven parts as “cinematic”, which I can’t find any other words to describe myself. The song starts with a drum driven frenzy of metal that is no stranger to any metalhead’s ears, it’s well produced, Alexis’ drum sound and performance is outstanding, but then it all comes to a stop with that cinematic part, as we hear a few sweet piano hits that we’ve heard in countless movies before. The production of these cleaner parts, orchestration, the sounds are all top notch. Then the chords start to get a little more uneasy, and when we hear Sofia’s vocal lines, we understand that something isn’t right here, it’s like someone is following you, or like you took a wrong turn and slowly you realize it. It’s dangerous, it’s evil, and it’s very exciting. Then that feeling of tension slowly resolves into beautiful distorted faster metal madness. Vocal production throughout the track deserves a standing ovation, Sofia has an amazing voice and Alexis captured her best performance and produced it the best way it is possible. Great job!

The music video of the song shows the band perform the song with cuts to Sophia being possessed by some evil force. The lighting, camera work, and cinematography is very good. Editing is very dynamic, it accompanies the song perfectly in my opinion.
When I take all these into account, I’d like to say that I enjoyed listening to No Terror in the Bang. A voice like Sophia Bortoluzzi with her range, character and attitude, paired with the cinematic suspenseful contrast the band creates is a great niche they found and I am excited to see how it can help take the genre to different places.
Please go ahead and check out the links below if you’d like to find out more about the band, follow them on social media, subscribe to their channels to show your support, and not miss any upcoming releases.

In conclusion, Metalhead Community Team congratulates No Terror in the Bang for their amazing work, Another Kind of Violence and wishes them the very best in their future careers. Thank you for reading.

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