Cyderian Son - Necropolis - Album Review - Modern Progressive Metal from New York, USA

Today we are featuring a promising modern progressive metal band, Cyderian Son, from New York, USA, with, "Necropolis", the latest EP album of the band.
Cyderian Son is one of the important names from the underground scene of New York City, worth the attention of all progressive metal fans out there. These American gentlemen started their official careers as a collective with a long-play album; "[R.E:]M.ILY" in 2016.
It wasn't easy for me to process the amount that Cyderian Son has to offer in each song, that's how I felt myself when I heard of them for the first time. You start thinking about the advanced musicality, how many elements were used to craft these incredible songs. However, they crafted such music, bent every single decision in the history of progressive music that far, feels like only the titles are separating these songs from each other.
The second thing that I'd like to underline is that I respect this band. Only their capabilities alone, aside from everything else, make them special. I feel like this is the collective of an intelligent collective who has so much TesseracT, Periphery, Animals As Leaders in them. I keep repeating in my articles that, not everybody can write music like this, doesn't matter what kind of advanced music you are into. This is only possible with the combination of many advanced qualities coming together in one body.
The collective is talented, knows enough about everything else besides their music, looks good, has professionally filmed music videos, and cool visuals. The current situation of Cyderian Son is only lacking enough experience for them to become an established band. I am sure we will continue hearing about them every time they make a new release.

On the other side of the coin, I must admit that I didn't like the sound personality. Let me explain.
The song has solid standards on its technicality as a fact. The level is close to world-class in my opinion, yet I'm not a producer or sound engineer. In my book, the mathematical success of this art doesn't have the necessary personality touch. I am well aware that Necropolis has differences in its approach than Animals as Leaders or TesseracT, yet you can't help yourself feeling like you hear them for some reason. Just a bit too digital, modern, and technical sound for my taste.
Secondly, the generosity in their innovative approach has a too wide range for my taste. It means that I'd rather prefer listening to Opeth and Ihsahn, because of the impact that cannot be undone after you finish listening to one of their albums for the first time. These albums after that moment, spiritually become a part of you (one of my recent favorites; Ihsahn - Celestial Violence ). In this case, Cyderian Son left their name with their potentials along with the complexity of their music, but not a single melody.

When I take all these into account, I'd like to say that Cyderian Son has the necessary origins to become an established band in the future without discussion. If I was running a label, I'd invest in this collective. They are unarguably rock-solid with their musical level, strongly recommended for modern progressive metal fans!
Metalhead Community Team congratulates Cyderian Son for their latest EP album "Necropolis", and wishes them the very best in their future careers. Thank you for reading.
Please go ahead and check out the links below if you'd like to find out more about the artist/band, follow them on social media, subscribe to their channels to show your support, and not miss any upcoming releases.

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