Beyond4Strings - It's a Fucking Circus - Song Review - Melodic Instrumental Metal with Electric Violin from Esslingen, Germany

Today we are featuring a passionate instrumental melodic metal project with a solo violinist, "Beyond4Strings", with "It's a Fucking Circus", hailing from Esslingen, Germany. The song is released with a music video on the 8th of February, 2022.
Today's task is a challenging one, a specific style that I don't personally choose when I'm listening to metal. But at the same time, my recent experience in the music industry taught me that "art with passion" deserves respect, just like Beyond4Strings, a project of passion.
My impression of Beyond4Strings took me some time to process. Usually, I listen to some songs in periods which helps me realize new things. Also, I feel like this would be the right approach when it comes to a genre I might feel subjective about, just like this one.
It's a Fucking Circus musically has the foundations from symphonic and melodic metal, more specifically, European melodic metal influences. Listeners into symphonic metal would know some of these bands have an additional violinist, and sometimes they ask someone to perform parts for their records. The point is, violin is a familiar instrument when it comes to metal, but Beyond4Strings separated themselves from the rest of the genre with their lead violinist instead of a vocalist. This is a blessing and a curse at the same time.
The musical approach here would share the medal together with the advanced musicianship. It was quite obvious that Andreas Schäfert, the composer and performer, is a respected violinist with a passion for metal music. He was honest about his personality in this project with everyone, which deserves to be acknowledged. Instead of being in it for popularity reasons, he chose to do it in his way with his instrument, which is admirable.

Beyond4Strings, Andreas Schaefert, Band Art Photo
On the other hand of the coin, I am afraid the song technically didn't satisfy me with its mixing and sound production, even though it might sound acceptable for so many people. There have been times I felt like the sound was processed to a point where there's no more natural feeling left at all.
Whenever it comes to advanced players of a specific instrument, the most meaningful experience would be listening to his live performance and energy. I am well aware Beyond4Strings is a project with an electric violin and Andreas Schaefert chose to do it this way. But in the end, the sound design couldn't support Andreas Schaefert's musicality, or contribute to the musical side at all, the work doesn't have any character in its sound.
Additionally, Beyond4Strings is a performance-based band, even though it is instrumental symphonic/melodic metal, where you don't get to hear satisfying level of musicianship on other instruments rather than the violin. The band chose to have software drums instead of real ones, where the music collectively and individually also lacks style and personality. The song sounded too familiar to my ears throughout the song, and it wasn't a pleasant feeling. Artists such as Andreas Schaefert shouldn't have electronic drums sound in their music, but that's not a fact only my honest opinion.
Also, they have poor representation of their project Beyond4Strings, which doesn't have the necessary industry standards of our modern age, confusing people with its approach to the brand image. In my eyes, their art direction didn't fit Beyond4Strings, on the contrary, caused damage to its respective value.
Lastly, I didn't enjoy watching the music video even though it had a worthy team behind the production. Massive work, easy to tell. Fantastic cameras, lights, stage, and everything. However, in the end, I have to admit that I hardly watched for various reasons such as the idea was weak, planning was weak, not enough personality, not enough style, poor vision, and poor artistic value.

When I take all these into account, I'd like to say that it was a pleasure listening to It's a Fucking Circus by Beyond4Strings for the first time. Traditional symphonic and melodic metal influences led by a talented violinist, European folk metal vibes, and progressive composition, with, unfortunately, weak production. I appreciate all the hard work in the making, wishing Andreas Schäfert and his project all the best in the future. Thanks for reading.


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